Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fun Pictures

Briggs looking at Sawyer. Sawyer was so comfortable he loved laying on the pillow.
We kept talking about getting some cute pictures with Nana holding both babies but this was the only one we got of her holding Briggs. This is my chair set up. You can see the yellow pump (hospital one...I love it!), nice big chair, book, and water at arms reach.

I had to get a picture of my 5 boys...aren't they so handsome??

I love this one.

This picture is Tony's favorite. Briggs is totally posing and it looks like Sawyer is about to smack him :) So fun.

Levi loves his baby brothers. He often comes over and says "Its okay Briggs" or "Its okay Soy-ya". He loves to cheese it up for the camera...dirty face and all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you do have handsome boys.. lots for my Brooke to choose from in 30 years